Importing Punches from a FR700 or FR650 Clock
The FR700 and FR650 clock allows you to export punches to a USB Flash drive and then import the data into PayClock Online. This could be useful if there were problems with the network and you could not connect and poll the FR700 or FR650 clock.
Note: Due to compatibility issues, not all USB Flash drives are compatible and may not work with the FR700 or FR650 clock. It is not recommended to use a USB Flash drive formatted as NTFS.
Exporting FR700 or FR650 Data to a USB Flash Drive
- At the FR700 or FR650 clock press the ESC key to force the clock to the normal time / date screen.
- Insert the USB Flash drive into the USB port on the bottom of the clock, administrator verification is required.
- The administrator should present and position their face for a facial scan. The Functions Menu will display upon a successful verification.
- Press 1 or select the Export Records menu and press OK.
- When the export is complete the data will be saved to a file named TIMExxx .TXT (xxx = The last 3 digits of the clocks serial number) on the root of the USB Flash drive.
- After a few seconds, the clock will return to the Functions Menu screen.
- Press the ESC key, the clock will return to the normal time / date display.
- Unplug the USB Flash drive.
Importing FR700 or FR650 Data into PayClock Online
- Plug the USB Flash drive into a USB port on your computer.
- Log in to PayClock Online and click on Clocks in the navigation list.
- Select the desired FR700 or FR650 clock. Note: The imported punches will be associated with the selected clock.
- From the Manage Clock menu select Import Punches.
- Click Browse... and navigate to the location of the TIMExxx .TXT file. Click Open.
- Click Import Punches, the punch data will be imported into PayClock Online.
Wed 12/05/2018